Time Management Tips

You may have come across many time management courses, read about them in books, newspapers, and blogs or heard about them from someone. You may ask, "Why, with this knowledge and awareness, do I still feel like I can't get everything done I need to?" This is a common problem faced by most of us. As I think, it is because we do not practice this knowledge we have gained.

The turning point in our university life is the first semester. The end exam of the first semester decides the path of your future career and most of us struggle to do our best to get into our dream department. Personally speaking I have been very bad at time managing. For exams, I study at the last moment and up to now somehow I have managed to pass them with good results, but I feel that if I had done better, studied while managing the time, I could have gone to a better result. During the first semester, I didn't miss any lectures but there were some subjects which I didn't grasp well. I covered then during the last moment and I felt really bad about it. 

Time management is very important when it comes not only for competitive exams, but also for every aspect of life.

Here are 10 time management techniques I try my best to practice.
  1. During first 30 minutes, plan your day. Plan what you are going to do. Don't start your day until you complete your time plan.
  2. Make a schedule. Keep it with you all the time and record all your thoughts, conversations and activities for a week.
  3. If you missed some subject matter, make sure you cover it up in time without delaying it.
  4. If you have any assignments due, prioritize them and do them quickly without delaying them. Do not wait till the last moment.
  5. Working according to a timetable can keep you up with the day to day work and keep you engaged.
  6. Postpone any unnecessary activities until your work is completely done.
  7. Use your spare time wisely.
  8. Review your work weekly.
  9. Rather than taking long hours of breaks, take mini breaks when you need them during the day to recharge and refocus.
  10. Avoid any distractions as social media much as possible, unless you really need them for educational or business purposes.
Remember that all of us not hundred percent perfect or efficient and we can't do everything as we expect. However, we must try our best to do as much as possible.

As Lord Chesterfield quoted "Know the value of time. Snatch, seize, and enjoy every minute of it."

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